Our International Arbitration team has a particular focus on regional commercial and commodities-related disputes. Amongst others, our lawyers have acted in the following notable matters:
- US$30 million SIAC Arbitration over the sale & purchase of 4 Indonesian palm oil plantations
- S$78 million SIAC Arbitration over the sale of an Indonesian coal mining company
- ICC Arbitration over the terms of management buyout in a Swedish shareholders’ dispute
- Dispute under the SIAC Rules worth Rs 500 million over the exercise of a Put Option by a Cypriot company over shares in an Indian company involved in bottled liquor and fuel ethanol
- Dispute between a large Singapore company in the oil & gas sector and one of its shareholders under the SIAC Rules
- BTY v BUA[2018] SGHC 213 – acted for a company in a dispute that involved the applicability of an arbitration clause in a shareholders’ agreement to a dispute brought under the company’s constitution