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The Fiduciary Principle: Being a Servant of Two Masters

The Fiduciary Principle: Being a Servant of Two Masters

A review of the key learning points from the case of Tan Teck Kee v Ratan Kumar Rai and others [2022] SGCA 62 The fiduciary duties of directors in companies – now commonly referred to as the no-conflict and no-profit rule – find their roots in the precept that “no man can serve two masters.”...

Recent Developments affecting Cross-Border Transactions

Recent Developments affecting Cross-Border Transactions

As 2022 draws to a close, we look at some recent developments affecting cross-border transactions. New determinants in cross-border M&A Contrary to popular belief, COVID-19 does not always hamper deal-making. Whilst cross-border M&A saw a dry spell in the early days of the pandemic, now, more than two years after the World Health Organisation first...

Upcoming changes to the PDPA: Introducing Data Portability

Upcoming changes to the PDPA: Introducing Data Portability

Passed in Parliament on 2 November 2020, the Personal Data Protection (Amendment) Bill introduced a slew of amendments and new concepts to the existing framework under the Personal Data Protection Act (“PDPA”). One of the new concepts is that of data portability under the proposed new Part VIB of the PDPA. Although this Part VIB...

Foreign Manpower Regulatory Audits by MOM

Foreign Manpower Regulatory Audits by MOM

The Ministry of Manpower’s Foreign Manpower enforcement divisions are stepping up their audit inspections of private sector employers. Prior to inspections, you may (or may not) receive some fairly innocuous correspondence from the Ministry of Manpower such as a survey form. The Foreign Manpower enforcement division checks whether foreign to local dependency ratios are being...

Upcoming Changes to the Eligibility for Employment Pass

Upcoming Changes to the Eligibility for Employment Pass

Earlier in the year, during the Singapore Budget Statement 2022 on 18 February, it was announced by the Minister of Finance that there will be several changes introduced to our foreign worker policy framework to better allow businesses to access a diverse pool of manpower. Notably, as part of these changes, there will be an...

The long arm of the Law reaches into the Metaverse

The long arm of the Law reaches into the Metaverse

Introduction In a landmark decision, the General Division of the High Court of Singapore issued a proprietary injunction and a worldwide Mareva injunction against unidentified persons to prevent the dissipation of cryptocurrency assets that were claimed to have been stolen. It also ordered two centralised cryptocurrency exchanges to disclose information on the accounts credited with...